How does your personality impact your life?

Map your Personality
( 2024 update )


How does this personality test work?

Personality Mapping

Your personality through 7 New Patterns, 5 Majors Traits, 6 Career Orientations, and 16 Basic Scores.


Our online personalities assessments are based on the latest psychometric research.

Advanced Reports

Get multiple psychometrics reports on your strengths, work preferences, and leadership.

Practical Applications of Personality Test Results

The Combined Personality Traits

The personality report, extensively studied by scientists, encompasses all your detailed personality traits. The 2024 edition introduces new scoring mechanisms, updated graphs, and custom reports.

The 2024 Career Orientation

R/doC/or I/thE/peS/hlA/crIdeasDataThingsPeopleSociabilityConformity

Discover which career orientations align with your personality, backed by research from top psychometricians such as Goldberg and Holland.

The 2024 Preferences Reports

How does your personality influence your problem-solving approach? Explore your capacity to work in teams and your leadership preferences

FlexibilityOrganisedInfluence SeekingSocial Abilitycoping abilityResilienceSupportAbstract ThinkingPracticalityDecisiveReasoning StyleWorking with otherAutonomyLeadership orientation0102030405060708090

The Adjustment Indices

474756565959505046465050Self EsteemEmotional AdaptabilitySocial AdaptabilityWork AdaptabilityEmpathy Creativity Adjustment

How adaptable are you when challenges arise? Discover more about your ability to cope with emotional stress.

The Factors of Personality
(lite & premium)

View personalized graphs with clear presentations of low and high scores for each factor. These detailed factors serve as the foundation for all subsequent reports.


Frequently asked questions

How do you use the data ?
We use the data of PersonalityHQ to improve the test and the report. We don't sell or rent your information to a third party.
Is it a paid test ?
At the end of the test, you can buy the advanced personality reports. The basic graph is accessible for free.
How reliable is the test ?
We are committed to creating the most advanced psychometric test. With already high reliability in "Big Five", and the Personality adjustment and factors results. The Assessment is regularly improved, to make it the best possible compared to the time it takes to complete it.
Is it helpful to share the graph ?
There are no good or bad personality types. By sharing your graph, you allow your friends and relatives to understand you better. For privacy reasons, only your graph is shareable, not your answers.

Get your personality map now

and learn how your personality affect your life

Click the button to start the personality test
or see your results